
System development / Training programs /

I have always had a strong interest in the area of learning and development, be it my own education or the development of others. While I enjoy the experience hands on training and teaching provides I believe electronic learning has an important place in the development of the workforce if done properly.

Elearning can produce results by decreasing costs and improving performance and unlike a classroom session it is a once off investment that keeps on giving. Elearning can consist of static courses or be used to support ongoing conversations in networked communities.

For the end user elearning provides:

  • Real-time access
  • Freedom to fail
  • Improved retention
  • Personalized learning

At Harris Scarfe I developed an ‘eLearning’ platform to administer employee and contractor OHS training. Using previous experience with online development I utilised an open source learning platform called ‘Moodle‘ to create a versatile system for the organisation. After the sucessful launch of the platform the organisation continued to develop if further to provide a range of employee training programs.

Using my previous experience and success with Harris Scarfe I went on to develop an internal contractor induction program for Kmart Australia Limited. This program was expanded to include consultants and representatives who visit Kmart stores.

I have developed a range of elearning materials for various purposes, a range of examples are provided below. Click on the image on the left of each title to launch a preview of the course.

OHS Harmonisation for Leaders

This course was designed to support a seminar I delivered to a group of business directors regarding harmonised OHS legislation. Due to the complexity of the course and the short one hour format I put together an online ‘refresher’ to provide further detail and additional information to the seminar.



Harris Scarfe Contractor Indudction

The Harris Scarfe contractor induction course was designed to provide contractors with a basic understanding of Harris Scarfes policies and procedures governing how they should operate in the organisations worksites. On completion of the course contractors received an induction card they were required to present when accessing any site.



Asbestos Information

After receiving many requests from small business operators regarding asbestos I developed short information session to provide basic information about asbestos and clarify commonly asked questions. The course was presented in a slideshow format as an information tool only.



Harris Scarfe Cleaners induction program

To ensure high standards from external cleaning operators a short induction course was developed for cleaning personnel. This course was modeled on the basic contractor style induction, but developed specifically for cleaners. The course was well received by cleaning personnel and helped to support the providers existing induction program in preparing new cleaners for work within Harris Scarfe stores.


Harris Scarfe New Starter Induction

Following on from the success of the contractor induction program a course for new employees was developed, to be completed prior to commencing their first shift with Harris Scarfe, to cover off basic safety information. The course was supported by a hard copy safety booklet which new employees were required to read prior to commencing the online course. This course is a mix of information, video and quiz activities.


Kmart Contractor Induction Course

On beginning my employment with Kmart I brought a range of ideas to the business on how to better induct their vast range of contractors across Australia and New Zealand. The size of the Kmart business was significantly larger than Harris Scarfe but required a similar solution. I developed three separate courses for contractors, visitors and delivery drivers. In the first two months over 2000 persons had successfully completed courses and received induction cards. Helping strengthen the store sign in process.


Kmart National Office Safety for Stores

Kmart identified a need to ensure office team members visiting stores had an appropriate store induction before attending on site. To relieve the additional time required by service team members on site an online ‘pre’ induction was developed to provide basic store information, requiring the store to only provide site specific information to new visitors. The course was designed to be short, informative and fun.