First Aid Management

System development /

A full review of first aid arrangements at national retailer Harris Scarfe prompted a complete rewrite of processes and procedures surrounding first aid. The review of first aid consisted of three different functions:

  1. First Aid Kits;
  2. First Aid Training;
  3. First Aid Procedures.

1. First Aid Kits

As a national organisation managing different first aid kits across 7 regions was a difficult task, with some states stating specific requirements and others providing for a risk assessment approach. In order to develop a standard cost effective method of kit fulfilment a national first aid kit was developed. The contents of the kit were decided in line with legislative requirements and consultation with internal and external bodies. A national kit enabled one set of contents to be established, this provides for bulk discount on orders of supplies and became much more cost effective for the business. This national approach also enabled the development of national procedures.

2. First Aid Training

Training arrangements were completed ad-hoc with numerous training providers utilised across the nation. In order to provide consistent training and similar content various training providers with a national scope were assessed in order to select one provider. Once a provider was selected the organisations policies and procedures could be worked into the content in order to provide first aid officers not only with first aid skills but also an understanding of the organisations expectations and processes.

A ‘recruitment drive’ was conducted over a three month period to lift the profile and significance of first aid in the organisation, all stores were provided with marketing packs to rally interest in their stores.

3. First Aid Procedures

Taking into account individual state acts, regulations, codes of practice and best practice standards for first aid I developed a National Policy and Procedure for First Aid in the organisation. The document created was comprehensive covering business expectations, first aid response procedures, training requirements, kit contents, and relevant forms.